
What Destination Is On Your Bucket List?

Hi! My name is Charlotte and I’m new to blogging. I know it’s not much at the moment, as I’m currently teaching in China and learning how to build my website. However, by June 23rd, I’ll be leaving for a year-long trip around the world. Here’s what dreams are made of: exploring far off places and finding out if those ‘Instagrammable’ spots are as great in real life as they look online. Often, we don’t get enough time to experience a whole country, so more true-to-life reviews can really help us make an informed decision. Here you won’t find me wearing a ball gown on top of a mountain or queuing up for photos – instead I’m all about embracing the destination without getting stressed out by it. My goal here is to share my honest opinions about activities and places with fellow everyday backpackers who want an authentic travel experience. So join me on my journey around the world, where together we’ll uncover whether or not these places should be added to everyone’s bucket list!


What Makes A Bucket List Destination or Activity?

What makes a bucket list destination or activity? For many people, it’s simply a matter of personal preference. Maybe you’ve always wanted to see the Northern Lights or visit every continent. Maybe you want to skydive or learn to surf. Whatever your dream destination or activity may be, there are a few things that can make it even more special. A bucket list destination or activity should be something that excites you, something that you really want to do or see. It should be something that is meaningful to you, and something that will create lasting memories. When you finally check off that bucket list item, it will be an incredible feeling of accomplishment. So choose wisely and make sure your bucket list is full of items that truly matter to you!

My Personal Bucket List:

Where I Plan on Going on My Year off!