Bogota Tours

Bogota, Colombia was our first stop on our South America tour and we had such a good time exploring with Bogota Tours that we want to share our information with you. We wouldn’t have had the same experience in Bogota, if we hadn’t done a few tours! This article showcases the best tours we experienced in Bogota, as well as some other helpful travel tips for Bogota, Colombia.

What is Bogota most known for?

Bogota, Colombia is the capital city and melting pot of different cultures, art and cuisine. It is most known for its Arabica coffee, quality emeralds, and many different exotic fruits. It is also the worlds 3rd highest capital city and a very historical place.

Why we recommend doing multiple tours!

The best way we found to explore all of these and to learn about Bogota’s  rich history was through the free Bogota Tours. These tours include walking tours, graffiti tours, food tours and tours about the city’s history with war and peace. These tours were so insightful, educational, fun and free! When we first arrived in Bogota, we were a little unsure about the safety aspect and how to go about seeing different parts of the city. Ultimately, doing the different tours allowed us to learn, eat, and see loads of different places we wouldn’t have seen without a guide.

Bogota main square

Is Bogota Colombia worth visiting?

Absolutely! Bogota, Colombia is a city full of wonderful experiences that make it a worthwhile destination. The lively streets, open markets, and diverse neighbourhoods offer a taste of the vibrant Colombian culture. The free Bogota day tours, covering art, history, and food, provide a deeper understanding of the city’s rich heritage. For art enthusiasts, graffiti tours are a must, showcasing the city’s colourful street art scene. History buffs can dive into Bogota’s past with tours focusing on its complex journey through conflict and reconciliation. And, of course, the food tours allow you to savour the delicious flavours of Colombian cuisine. With something for everyone, Bogotá promises to leave you with a good impression of Colombian culture.

How many days in Bogota is enough to do the tours?

The ideal number of days to spend in Bogota, Colombia, largely depends on your interests and schedule. For a well-rounded experience, three to four days should be fine. This allows extended time to explore the city’s vibrant neighbourhoods, indulge in its diverse culinary scene, and partake in enriching activities like free tours. You can soak in the local culture, visit historical sites, and even take a day trip to the stunning Montserrate for a panoramic view of the city. However, if you have a specific focus, such as art or history, extending your stay to a week might be worthwhile, as it would provide a more in-depth exploration of the city’s offerings. Ultimately, whether a few days or a week, Bogota offers a rich experience that can be tailored to suit various preferences and schedules.

We stayed 5 nights and that was more than plenty. If you have a lot of energy, you can actually do a tour in the morning and then another in the afternoon. Each tour lasts roughly 3 hours and normally start at 10AM or 2PM. A lot of people we met had been doing 2 tours a day- so you can definitely stay a shorter time as well.

Monserrate hike in Bogota

Where to stay in Bogota for the tours?

During our stay in Bogota, Charlotte and I stayed at Fatima Hostel. Located 25 minutes by taxi or Uber from El Dorado airport, the hostel is located in the La Candelaria area, a tourist location in Bogota. This location was perfect for the tours because everyone starts at the Museum of Gold and this is a 10 minute walk from the hostel. Once, we knew where we were going, this time got shorter as well! Furthermore, the hostel was surrounded by cool graffiti, historic buildings and restaurants.

The hostel was a mix between chilled vibes and party hostel. The hostel has its own bar and this creates a lot of noise throughout some of the evening. However, this didn’t bother us and everyone was super friendly and welcoming. We opted for a private room with shared bathrooms, which gave us the privacy we wanted and was within our budget.

For our five-night stay, we paid USD 95 or 382,500 Colombian pesos. The overall experience of this hostel was cheap and cheerful. The bathrooms and kitchen were clean, and the rooms were cozy enough to recharge before venturing into the lively streets of Bogota. For breakfast, you could either buy your groceries at the local supermarkets or pay for breakfast offered through the hostel. Expect to pay 15,000 pesos or 2 breakfasts for 25,000 pesos for a cooked breakfast, fruits, and juices.

All About Bogota Tours Colombia

How to find a Colombia Bogota Tour?

At Fatima Hostel, we were pleasantly surprised to find a range of Bogota tour companies and Bogota private tours. During our time in Bogota, we decided to venture on three of them. The first two were with Beyond Colombia Tours, starting with an insightful free walking tour and then an appetizing Bogota local food tour. The graffiti tour, conducted by Capital Graffiti Tours, offered a glimpse into the city’s street art scene. All these Bogota tours in English were a fantastic way to learn about the history of the city if your Spanish isn’t that great. We discovered these exciting opportunities through flyers right at our hostel. If you want to check out the tours then head to the Beyond Colombia website.

Best Tours in Bogota

1. Free City Walking Tours

This Bogota city tour was our favourite! The free walking tour with “Beyond Colombia” had interesting stops. Led by our knowledgeable Bogota tour guide, Jeff, we embarked on a journey through the city that unveiled fascinating stories about the history of the city. We learned about the “El Dorado” legend, explored the emerald quarter, and admired Botero’s collection. The tour also covered key events like the Bogotazo riot and the Justice Palace siege.  We also visited Plaza de Bolivar, which holds historical significance and is one of the key spots to visit whilst in Bogota.

The tour even touched on Pablo Escobar’s presence in Bogota and the impact he had on the political system. We even went to a market and experienced the famous illegal drink “Chicha” which has been banned since the 1940s. Lastly, we got to see some amazing local street art which makes the spirit of Bogota more vibrant. It was a fantastic experience that deepened our understanding of the city’s history and culture.

How to Book with Beyond Colombia

Beyond Colombia offers tours in cities such as Cartagena, Cali, and Medellin. The tour lasts around three hours and is in English or Spanish every day from either 10:00 a.m. or 2:00 p.m. To book this tour, you need to fill out the QR code or go to their website. The tour is free although you should give a tip to your guide as a token of appreciation. This helps support the local guides and companies. Make sure to book through their website and not over tour giants. The meeting point for this tour is at the Gold Museum, and the guides can be seen wearing red and holding a red umbrella with the company name on it. If you require cancellation, message your guide on WhatsApp. If you are looking for Bogota travel tours, book this tour!

Graffiti in Bogota

2. Bogota Food Tours

The Free Bogota Local Food Tour with “Beyond Colombia” was a flavorful adventure. I would say this was the best Bogota tours company we experienced. Our travel guide, Rafael, was friendly and incredibly knowledgeable in local cuisine. The tour took us to five different food stops, each offering a unique taste of Bogota. During the tour, we got to taste the local dishes and famous drinks  from Bogota and Colombia.

Food Included on the Tour:

  • Crispy empanadas
  • Obleas caseritas- a waffle treat
  • The famous hot chocolate with cheese
  • Limonada de Coco (Lemon and Coconut drink)
  • Ajiaco Soup
  • Capybaras (Rodent meat)
  • Colombian Coffee
  • Once Aguardiente – a shot of local alcohol

Thoughts on the Food Tour:

The overall experience of doing the food tour was great as we got to taste the local cuisine. We also got to see parts of the city that we wouldn’t necessarily have gone to ourselves. Each piece of food was told with a story by our guide and it was really insightful into the history of the country and its food. A highlight was learning about the coffee region and witnessing the intricate process of coffee making, a cherished Colombian tradition. If you plan on trying all the restaurants on the tour, budgeting around 40,000 pesos is a reasonable estimate for a yummy experience.

How to Book with Beyond Colombia

Beyond Colombia offers tours in cities such as Cartagena, Cali, and Medellin. The tours last around three hours and are provided in English or Spanish Monday to Friday from 2:00 p.m. To book this tour, you need to fill out the QR code or go to their website. The tour is free although you should definitely give a tip to your guide as a token of appreciation. This helps support the local guides and companies. Make sure to book through their website and not over tour giants. The meeting point for this tour is at the Gold Museum, and the guides can be seen wearing red and holding a red umbrella with the company name on it. If you require cancellation, message your guide on WhatsApp. If you are looking for Bogota travel tours, book this tour!

Other tours offered by Beyond Colombia:

3. Capital Graffiti Tour

Our Bogota graffiti tour with “Capital Graffiti Tour,” guided by Diego, was an eye-opening exploration of Bogota’s vibrant street art scene. It was fascinating to learn that some graffiti serves as powerful political statements. Conveying messages and advocating for change. Discovering that various local and global organizations sponsor some pieces added an intriguing dimension to our understanding. The revelation that artists can leave their mark anywhere, provided they have the building owner’s consent, showcased a unique dynamic in street art. Additionally, we gained insight into the evolution of graffiti, and we were amused to hear about Justin Bieber’s interest in leaving his mark on Bogota’s walls during his visit. Furthermore, this tour not only showcased the talent of the artists but also shed light on the complex narratives embedded in Bogota’s urban landscape.

How to book with Capital Graffiti Tours in Bogota:

Capital Graffiti Tours in Bogota, Colombia can be reserved on their website. Reservations are a must so that tours can happen, if there are too few people they get cancelled. Tours are available daily at 10:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m., even on Sundays and holidays, promising accessibility. The meeting point for this tour is at the Gold Museum, and the guides can be seen wearing purple hats and holding a purple umbrella with the company name. The tour is free and donation-based, where the suggested donations are 50,000 Colombian pesos and be sure to leave reviews if you are satisfied with the service.

Graffiti Tour with Capital Graffiti tours

Final Thoughts on Bogota Tours

Lastly, our Bogota trip was a great way to start our year of travel. With its rich history and diverse culture, it is a destination that leaves a lasting impression. From its colourful neighborhoods to its unique cuisine, the city offers a special blend of experiences. We highly recommend you do the free tours as they are very informative and interesting. You learn a lot and get to explore the city in many different ways. The Beyond Colombia tour group is very popular in the city and relies on tourists. Therefore, think before booking tours with big companies. Starting your travels in Bogotá is a great way to introduce yourself to Colombia, and I would recommend it as a starting point to anyone.

Moreover, another well-known tour is the Zipaquira Salt Cathedral which sadly we didn’t get to do. However, the photos and information from other people make us want to come back. You can find this tour on the internet, but be mindful of which company you book through. Booking with a local company is always the best option.



  1. Linda Joly | 23rd Sep 23

    Love reading the blog. You guys are living the life.

  2. Linda Joly | 23rd Sep 23

    Love reading your blog. Living the life.

    • charlottenicholls | 25th Sep 23

      Thanks so much Linda! I’m glad someone is reading it 😉

  3. Monserrate Bogota Hike - | 25th Sep 23

    […] tours right in the city center and I’ve written a blog post all about it! Just click on Bogota Tours to read all about […]

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