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About Me

Hello and Welcome šŸ™‚

My name is Charlotte and I love to travel! I also love being creative and taking photos. On this site, you will find information about the places I have traveled to and some photos I have snapped along the way. If you have stumbled upon my site, I can assume you love traveling too. I hope you find my photos and information inspiring, as well as useful!

Why Start a Blog?

The reason for starting this blog is that I have been living in China for the last 5 years. 2 years in Shanghai and now 3 years in Shenzhen. Working in China as an ex-pat has allowed me to travel to so many places outside of England. I want to create a place I can document all my experiences and share them with people. It will also act like an online scrapbook, somewhere I can look back and remember all the places I have been. I am also hoping that my blog could highlight some of the benefits of moving abroad for my fellow teachers in the UK too.

Who is the man in the Photo?

The man in the photo is Daniel. I met Daniel 2 years ago in Shenzhen and we are currently planning on taking a year-long trip around the world, starting in July 2023. Daniel is from Montreal, Canada, and is also a teacher. We have spent the last 3 years of China in multiple lockdowns, doing online teaching and we have not travelled outside of China since Covid arrived. Missing our friends and families, as well as the freedom to travel, we have decided to write a ā€˜Bucket Listā€™ of places we want to travel to and complete it in the year we take off.

What Will I find on this Blog?

You will find detailed information about the places I/ we have travelled to. Normally when planning a trip, we ask ourselves and the internet 3 important questions:

  1. What is the place we are travelling to known for?
  2. What are the best restaurants/bars in the area? As well as what local food is a must to try?
  3. Where is the best location to stay?

Therefore, in my blog posts, I will be focusing on these 3 areas. I will also be very honest in my opinion of each place. There is nothing worse than being tricked by social media. Many times, I have been inspired by cool looking photos on Instagram, to only get to the place and feel a little cheated. So, rest assured, that this website is a place that will be very transparent about places we have visited. I will tell you what is worth spending your time and money on. As both are very precious when travelling for a long period of time.

What is your Style of Travel?

Over the years, I have travelled with suitcases and backpacks and have found the minimalistic approach to travel the best. For all my travel trips in the last 5 years, I have used a backpack, so it makes sense to focus on that style of travel in this blog. Last year, I decided to use a suitcase for a trip and the wheels fell off as soon as I landed in my destination- I took this as a sign to never use a suitcase for travel again!

Also, during our year travel around the world, we will be using backpacks and staying in a variety of accommodation as we go. As a couple, who are moving towards their 30’s, the level of comfort needed definitely increases. So, this blog may be useful for couples that plan on travelling as well.

Who is Creating this Blog?

I (Charlotte) will be the main creator of this blog, writing the posts and posting the photos. However, my opinion will be combined with Daniel’s when thinking about what was good about a place/ what we would do differently next time.

Thank you so much for reading my blog,

Love Charlotte

P.S Safe Travels!